



package models

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package sram

Type Members

  1. case class AXI4EdgeSummary(maxReadTransfer: Int, maxWriteTransfer: Int, idReuse: Option[Int], maxFlight: Option[Int], address: Seq[AddressSet]) extends Product with Serializable
  2. class AXI4Releaser extends Module
  3. class AXI4ReleaserIO extends ParameterizedBundle
  4. class AbstractClockGate extends ExtModule

    External module for a clock gate.

    External module for a clock gate.

    Controls a clock signal (I) via an enable input (CE).

  5. class AddressCollisionChecker extends NastiModule
  6. class AddressCollisionCheckerIO extends NastiBundle
  7. class AddressRangeCounter extends NastiModule
  8. class AddressRangeCounterRequest extends NastiBundle
  9. class AddressRangeCounterUnitTest extends UnitTest
  10. class AllocationIO extends Bundle
  11. case class BankConflictConfig(maxBanks: Int, maxLatencyBits: Int = 12, params: BaseParams) extends BaseConfig with Product with Serializable
  12. class BankConflictIO extends SplitTransactionModelIO
  13. class BankConflictMMRegIO extends SplitTransactionMMRegIO
  14. class BankConflictModel extends SplitTransactionModel
  15. class BankConflictReference extends Bundle
  16. class BankQueueEntry extends Bundle
  17. class BankStateTracker extends Module with HasDRAMMASConstants
  18. class BankStateTrackerIO extends Bundle with HasLegalityUpdateIO
  19. class BankStateTrackerO extends Bundle with CommandLegalBools
  20. abstract class BaseConfig extends AnyRef
  21. abstract class BaseDRAMMMRegIO extends MMRegIO with HasConsoleUtils
  22. case class BaseParams(maxReads: Int, maxWrites: Int, nastiKey: Option[NastiParameters] = None, edge: Option[AXI4EdgeParameters] = None, targetAddressOffset: Option[BigInt] = None, targetAddressSpaceSize: Option[BigInt] = None, maxReadLength: Int = 256, maxReadsPerID: Option[Int] = None, maxWriteLength: Int = 256, maxWritesPerID: Option[Int] = None, detectAddressCollisions: Boolean = false, stallEventCounters: Boolean = false, localHCycleCount: Boolean = false, latencyHistograms: Boolean = false, llcKey: Option[LLCParams] = None, xactionCounters: Boolean = true, beatCounters: Boolean = false, targetCycleCounter: Boolean = false, occupancyHistograms: Seq[Int] = Seq(0, 2, 4, 8), addrRangeCounters: BigInt = BigInt(0)) extends Product with Serializable
  23. class BlockMetadata extends Bundle
  24. class CollapsingBuffer[T <: Data] extends Module
  25. class CollapsingBufferIO[T <: Data] extends Bundle
  26. class CommandBusMonitor extends Module
  27. trait CommandLegalBools extends AnyRef
  28. case class CompleteConfig(userProvided: BaseConfig, axi4Widths: NastiParameters, axi4Edge: Option[AXI4EdgeSummary] = None, memoryRegionName: Option[String] = None) extends HasSerializationHints with Product with Serializable
  29. class CounterIncrementIO extends Bundle
  30. class CounterReadoutIO extends Bundle
  31. class CounterTable extends Module
  32. class CounterTableUnitTest extends UnitTest
  33. class CurrentReadResp extends ParameterizedBundle with HasNastiParameters
  34. class CurrentWriteResp extends ParameterizedBundle with HasNastiParameters
  35. class CycleTracker extends Module
  36. class DRAMBackend extends Module
  37. class DRAMBackendIO extends Bundle
  38. case class DRAMBackendKey(writeDepth: Int, readDepth: Int, latencyBits: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  39. abstract class DRAMBaseConfig extends BaseConfig with HasDRAMMASConstants
  40. class DRAMProgrammableTimings extends Bundle with HasDRAMMASConstants with HasProgrammableRegisters with HasConsoleUtils
  41. class DownCounter extends Module
  42. case class DramOrganizationParams(maxBanks: Int, maxRanks: Int, dramSize: BigInt, lineBits: Int = 8) extends Product with Serializable
  43. class DualQueue[T <: Data] extends Module
  44. class DynamicLatencyPipe[T <: Data] extends Module with HasFIFOPointers
  45. class DynamicLatencyPipeIO[T <: Data] extends QueueIO[T]
  46. class EgressReq extends ParameterizedBundle with HasNastiParameters
  47. class EgressResp extends ParameterizedBundle
  48. trait EgressUnitParameters extends AnyRef
  49. class FASEDBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[HostPortIO[FASEDTargetIO], FASEDMemoryTimingModel]
  50. class FASEDMemoryTimingModel extends BridgeModule[HostPortIO[FASEDTargetIO]] with UsesHostDRAM
  51. class FASEDTargetIO extends Bundle
  52. class FIFOAddressMatcher extends Module with HasFIFOPointers
  53. case class FIFOMASConfig(dramKey: DramOrganizationParams, transactionQueueDepth: Int, backendKey: DRAMBackendKey = DRAMBackendKey(4, 4, DRAMMasEnums.backendLatencyBits), params: BaseParams) extends DRAMBaseConfig with Product with Serializable
  54. class FIFOMASIO extends TimingModelIO
  55. class FIFOMASMMRegIO extends BaseDRAMMMRegIO
  56. class FIFOMASModel extends TimingModel with HasDRAMMASConstants
  57. case class FirstReadyFCFSConfig(dramKey: DramOrganizationParams, schedulerWindowSize: Int, transactionQueueDepth: Int, backendKey: DRAMBackendKey = DRAMBackendKey(4, 4, DRAMMasEnums.backendLatencyBits), params: BaseParams) extends DRAMBaseConfig with Product with Serializable
  58. class FirstReadyFCFSEntry extends MASEntry
  59. class FirstReadyFCFSIO extends TimingModelIO
  60. class FirstReadyFCFSMMRegIO extends BaseDRAMMMRegIO
  61. class FirstReadyFCFSModel extends TimingModel with HasDRAMMASConstants
  62. class FreeList extends Module

    A simple freelist

  63. class FuncModelProgrammableRegs extends Bundle with HasProgrammableRegisters
  64. trait HasAXI4Id extends HasNastiParameters
  65. trait HasAXI4IdAndLen extends HasAXI4Id
  66. trait HasConsoleUtils extends AnyRef
  67. trait HasDRAMMASConstants extends AnyRef
  68. trait HasFIFOPointers extends AnyRef
  69. trait HasLegalityUpdateIO extends AnyRef
  70. trait HasProgrammableRegisters extends Bundle
  71. trait HasReqMetaData extends HasAXI4IdAndLen
  72. class HostLatencyHistogram extends Module
  73. class HostLatencyHistogramIO extends Bundle
  74. class IngressModule extends Module with IngressModuleParameters
  75. trait IngressModuleParameters extends AnyRef
  76. trait IsRuntimeSetting extends HasConsoleUtils
  77. case class JSONField(value: BigInt, units: String) extends Product with Serializable
  78. case class JSONSetting(default: BigInt, query: String, lookUp: (Map[String, BigInt]) => BigInt, min: BigInt = 0, max: Option[BigInt] = None) extends IsRuntimeSetting with Product with Serializable
  79. class LLCModel extends NastiModule
  80. class LLCModelIO extends Bundle
  81. case class LLCParams(ways: WRange = WRange(1, 8), sets: WRange = WRange(32, 4096), blockBytes: WRange = WRange(8, 128), mshrs: WRange = WRange(1, 8)) extends Product with Serializable
  82. class LLCProgrammableSettings extends Bundle with HasProgrammableRegisters with HasConsoleUtils
  83. class LatencyHistogramUnitTest extends UnitTest
  84. class LatencyPipe extends SplitTransactionModel
  85. case class LatencyPipeConfig(params: BaseParams) extends BaseConfig with Product with Serializable
  86. class LatencyPipeIO extends SplitTransactionModelIO
  87. class LatencyPipeMMRegIO extends SplitTransactionMMRegIO
  88. class MASEntry extends Bundle
  89. abstract class MMRegIO extends Bundle with HasProgrammableRegisters
  90. class MSHR extends NastiBundle
  91. class MemModelTargetIO extends ParameterizedBundle
  92. class MemoryModelMonitor extends Module
  93. class NastiReqChannels extends ParameterizedBundle
  94. class NastiRespChannels extends ParameterizedBundle
  95. class ProgrammableSubAddr extends Bundle with HasProgrammableRegisters
  96. class RATEntry extends Bundle
  97. class RankPowerIO extends Bundle
  98. class RankPowerMonitor extends Module with HasDRAMMASConstants
  99. class RankRefreshUnitIO extends Bundle
  100. class RankStateTracker extends Module with HasDRAMMASConstants
  101. class RankStateTrackerIO extends Bundle with HasLegalityUpdateIO with HasDRAMMASConstants
  102. class RankStateTrackerO extends Bundle with CommandLegalBools
  103. class ReadEgress extends Module
  104. class ReadEgressReqIO extends NastiBundle
  105. class ReadEgressResponseIO extends NastiBundle
  106. class ReadPipeEntry extends Bundle
  107. class ReadResponseMetaData extends Bundle with HasAXI4IdAndLen
  108. class RefreshUnit extends Module
  109. class ReorderBuffer extends Module
  110. case class RuntimeSetting(default: BigInt, query: String, min: BigInt = 0, max: Option[BigInt] = None) extends IsRuntimeSetting with Product with Serializable
  111. abstract class SplitTransactionMMRegIO extends MMRegIO
  112. abstract class SplitTransactionModel extends TimingModel
  113. abstract class SplitTransactionModelIO extends TimingModelIO
  114. class StoredBeat extends NastiBundle with HasNastiData
  115. abstract class TimingModel extends Module with IngressModuleParameters with EgressUnitParameters with HasNastiParameters
  116. abstract class TimingModelIO extends Bundle
  117. class TransactionMetaData extends Bundle with HasAXI4IdAndLen
  118. class UnifiedFIFOXactionScheduler extends Module
  119. class ValidNastiReqChannels extends ParameterizedBundle
  120. case class WRange(min: Int, max: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  121. class WriteEgress extends Module
  122. class WriteEgressReqIO extends NastiBundle
  123. class WriteEgressResponseIO extends NastiBundle
  124. class WritePipeEntry extends Bundle
  125. class WriteResponseMetaData extends Bundle with HasAXI4Id
  126. class XactionSchedulerEntry extends NastiBundle
  127. class XactionSchedulerIO extends Bundle
