package core

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class AXI4IdSpaceConstraint(idBits: Int = 4, maxFlight: Int = 8) extends Product with Serializable

    Constrains how many id bits of the host memory channel are used, as well as how many requests are issued per id.

    Constrains how many id bits of the host memory channel are used, as well as how many requests are issued per id. This generates hardware proportional to (2^idBits) * maxFlight.


    The number of lower idBits of the host memory channel to use.


    A bound on the number of requests the simulator will make per id.

  2. case class CPUManagedAXI4Params(addrBits: Int, dataBits: Int, idBits: Int, maxFlight: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  3. class CPUManagedStreamEngine extends StreamEngine
  4. abstract class ChannelizedWrapperIO extends Record with UnpackedWrapperConfig with TargetChannelIO

    Builds a Record of tokenized interfaces based on a set of FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotations.

    Builds a Record of tokenized interfaces based on a set of FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotations. Chisel-types are reconstructed by looking up a FIRRTL type in which can then be mapped back into a primitive chisel type.

    This is instantiated twice: 1) On the TargetBox, to build a chisel-interface that can link against the FIRRTL 2) To build the SimWrapper's IO. This has the subset of channel interfaces present on the TargetBox that are connected to bridges.

    This class includes many members that permit looking up record elements by channel type, and by channel name instead of using the underlying Chisel element name.

  5. class ClockRecord extends Record
  6. case class FPGAManagedAXI4Params(size: BigInt, dataBits: Int, idBits: Int, writeTransferSizes: TransferSizes, readTransferSizes: TransferSizes, interleavedId: Option[Int] = Some(0)) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the AXI4 interface for FPGA-driven DMA

    Specifies the AXI4 interface for FPGA-driven DMA


    The size, in bytes, of the addressable region on the host CPU. The addressable region is assumed to span [0, size). Host-specific offsets should be handled by the FPGAShim.


    The width of the interface in bits.


    The number of ID bits supported by the interface.


    Supported write transfer sizes in bytes


    Supported read transfer sizes in bytes


    Set to indicate DMA responses may be interleaved.

  7. class FPGAManagedStreamEngine extends StreamEngine
  8. class FPGATop extends LazyModule with HasWidgets
  9. class FPGATopImp extends LazyModuleImp
  10. class HostDecoupledIO[+T <: Data] extends Bundle
  11. case class HostMemChannelParams(size: BigInt, beatBytes: Int, idBits: Int, maxXferBytes: Int = 256) extends Product with Serializable

    Specifies the size and width of external memory ports

  12. class HostReadyValid extends Bundle
  13. case class IChannelDesc[T <: Data](name: String, reference: T, modelChannel: DecoupledIO[T], tokenGenFunc: Option[() => T] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  14. case class OChannelDesc[T <: Data](name: String, reference: T, modelChannel: DecoupledIO[T], comparisonFunc: (Data, DecoupledIO[Data]) => Bool = (a, b) => ! || a.asUInt === b.bits.asUInt) extends Product with Serializable
  15. class PipeChannel[T <: Data] extends Module
  16. class PipeChannelIO[T <: Data] extends Bundle
  17. class PipeChannelUnitTest extends UnitTest
  18. class ReadyValidChannel[T <: Data] extends Module
  19. class ReadyValidChannelIO[T <: Data] extends Bundle
  20. class ReadyValidChannelUnitTest extends UnitTest
  21. class SimReadyValidIO[T <: Data] extends Bundle
  22. class SimWrapper extends Module with UnpackedWrapperConfig

    The SimWrapper is the shim between the transformed RTL and the rest of the Chisel-generated simulator collateral.

    The SimWrapper is the shim between the transformed RTL and the rest of the Chisel-generated simulator collateral. 1) It instantiates the tranformed target (now a collection of unconnected, decoupled models) 2) Generates channels to interconnect those models and bridges by analyzing FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotations. 3) Exposes ReadyValid interfaces for all channels sourced or sunk by a bridge as I/O

  23. class SimWrapperChannels extends ChannelizedWrapperIO
  24. case class SimWrapperConfig(annotations: Seq[Annotation], leafTypeMap: Map[ReferenceTarget, Port]) extends Product with Serializable

    The metadata required to generate the simulation wrapper.

    The metadata required to generate the simulation wrapper.


    Notably FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation, FAMEChannelFanoutAnnotation, BridgeIOAnnotations


    Provides the means to rebuild chisel-types that can "link" against the transformed RTL (FIRRTL), and associate specific annotations with those types..

  25. class StreamAdapterIO extends Bundle
  26. case class StreamDriverParameters(name: String, bufferBaseAddress: Int, countMMIOAddress: Int, bufferCapacity: Int, bufferWidthBytes: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    A helper container to serialize per-stream constants to the header.

    A helper container to serialize per-stream constants to the header. This is currently somewhat redundant with the default header emission for widgets.

  27. abstract class StreamEngine extends Widget

    Base class for StreamEngine implementations.

    Base class for StreamEngine implementations. StreamEngines collect all streams from bridges, which drive two Vec[Decoupled[UInt]], and implement the transport using an AXI4 slave and / or AXI4 master port, which is presented by the host platform.

    Implementations that require an AXI4 subordinate set cpuManagedAXI4NodeOpt = Some(<node graph>) Implementations that require an AXI4 manager set fpgaManagedAXI4NodeOpt = Some(<node graph>)

  28. case class StreamEngineParameters(toCPUParams: Seq[StreamSourceParameters], fromCPUParams: Seq[StreamSinkParameters]) extends Product with Serializable

    A wrapper class for common arguments to all StreamEngine implementations.

  29. trait StreamParameters extends AnyRef

    Parameters that define a stream that are defined by bridges and collected by the engine.

  30. case class StreamSinkParameters(name: String, idx: Int, fpgaBufferDepth: Int, fpgaBufferWidthBytes: Int) extends StreamParameters with Product with Serializable
  31. case class StreamSourceParameters(name: String, idx: Int, fpgaBufferDepth: Int, fpgaBufferWidthBytes: Int) extends StreamParameters with Product with Serializable
  32. class StreamWidthAdapter extends Module
  33. class TargetBox extends BlackBox
  34. class TargetBoxIO extends ChannelizedWrapperIO
  35. trait TargetChannelIO extends AnyRef

    Represents the interface of the target to which bridges connect.

  36. trait UnpackedWrapperConfig extends AnyRef

    A convienence mixin that preprocesses the SimWrapperConfig

  37. class WriteMetadata extends Bundle

Value Members

  1. object AssertTokenIrrevocable
  2. case object CPUManagedAXI4Key extends Field[Option[CPUManagedAXI4Params]] with Product with Serializable

    CPU-managed AXI4, aka "pcis" on EC2 F1.

    CPU-managed AXI4, aka "pcis" on EC2 F1. Used by the CPU to do DMA into fabric-controlled memories. This could include in-fabric RAMs/FIFOs (for bridge streams) or (in the future) FPGA-attached DRAM channels.

  3. object DirectedLIBDNTestHelper
  4. case object FPGAManagedAXI4Key extends Field[Option[FPGAManagedAXI4Params]] with Product with Serializable

    FPGA-managed AXI4, aka "pcim" on F1.

    FPGA-managed AXI4, aka "pcim" on F1. Used by the fabric to do DMA into the host-CPU's memory. Used to implement bridge streams on platforms that lack a CPU-managed AXI4 interface. Set this to None if this interface is not present on the host.

  5. case object GenerateTokenIrrevocabilityAssertions extends Field[Boolean] with Product with Serializable
  6. object HostDecoupled

    Adds a ready-valid handshaking protocol to any interface.

    Adds a ready-valid handshaking protocol to any interface. The standard used is that the consumer uses the flipped interface.

  7. case object HostMemChannelKey extends Field[HostMemChannelParams] with Product with Serializable
  8. case object HostMemIdSpaceKey extends Field[Option[AXI4IdSpaceConstraint]] with Product with Serializable

    DRAM Allocation Knobs

    DRAM Allocation Knobs

    Constrains how much of memory controller's id space is used. If no constraint is provided, the unified id space of all masters is presented directly to each memory controller. If this id width exceeds that of the controller, Golden Gate will throw an get an elaboration-time error requesting a constraint. See AXI4IdSpaceConstraint.

  9. case object HostMemNumChannels extends Field[Int] with Product with Serializable
  10. case object MemNastiKey extends Field[NastiParameters] with Product with Serializable
  11. object SimReadyValid
  12. object SimUtils
  13. case object SimWrapperKey extends Field[SimWrapperConfig] with Product with Serializable
  14. case object StreamEngineInstantiatorKey extends Field[(StreamEngineParameters, Parameters) => StreamEngine] with Product with Serializable

    Set by a platform config to instantiate the supported StreamEnginer for that host.

    Set by a platform config to instantiate the supported StreamEnginer for that host. e.g. F1 uses CPU-driven XDMA and so uses an engine that only uses the AXI4M interface.

  15. object TokenComparisonFunctions
