



package widgets

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. class AXI4AddressTranslation extends LazyModule
  2. class AXI4TieOff extends LazyModule

    Ties off an AXI4 edge by spoofing a master that drives no requests.

  3. class AssertBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[HostPortIO[AssertBridgeRecord]]
  4. case class AssertBridgeParameters(assertPortName: String, resetPortName: String, assertMessages: Seq[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class AssertBridgeRecord extends Record
  6. class AutoCounterBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[HostPortIO[AutoCounterBundle]] with AutoCounterConsts
  7. class AutoCounterBundle extends Record
  8. trait AutoCounterConsts extends AnyRef
  9. case class AutoCounterParameters(eventMetadata: Seq[EventMetadata], triggerName: String, resetPortName: String) extends Product with Serializable
  10. class BRAMFlowQueue[T <: Data] extends Module
  11. class BRAMQueue[T <: Data] extends Module
  12. trait Bridge[HPType <: Record with HasChannels, WidgetType <: BridgeModule[HPType]] extends AnyRef
  13. case class BridgeAnnotation(target: ModuleTarget, bridgeChannels: Seq[BridgeChannel], widgetClass: String, widgetConstructorKey: Option[_ <: AnyRef]) extends SingleTargetAnnotation[ModuleTarget] with FAMEAnnotation with HasSerializationHints with Product with Serializable

    A serializable annotation emitted by Chisel Modules that extend Bridge

    A serializable annotation emitted by Chisel Modules that extend Bridge


    The module representing an Bridge. Typically a black box


    A list of descriptors for the channels attached to the bridge. FCCAs are materialized from these descriptors.


    The full class name of the BridgeModule generator


    A optional, serializable object which will be passed to the constructor of the BridgeModule. Consult to better understand what can and cannot be serialized. To provide additional typeHints to the serilization/deserialization protocol mix in HasSerializationHints into your ConstructorKey's class and return additional pertinent classes

  14. sealed trait BridgeChannel extends AnyRef
  15. abstract class BridgeModule[HostPortType <: Record with HasChannels] extends Widget
  16. abstract class BridgeModuleImp[HostPortType <: Record with HasChannels] extends WidgetImp
  17. sealed trait CPPLiteral extends AnyRef
  18. class CRIO extends Bundle
  19. case class CStrLit(value: String) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  20. trait ChannelizedHostPortIO extends HasChannels

    A host-side bridge interface trait that permits finer-grained control over channel definition versus HostPortIO.

    A host-side bridge interface trait that permits finer-grained control over channel definition versus HostPortIO. Required for describing bridges that are combinationally coupled to the target.

  21. case class ClockBridgeChannel(name: String, sinks: Seq[ReferenceTarget], clocks: Seq[RationalClock], clockMFMRs: Seq[Int]) extends BridgeChannel with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor for a clock channel originating from a clock bridge.

  22. sealed trait ClockBridgeConsts extends AnyRef
  23. class ClockBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[ClockTokenVector]

    The host-side implementation.

    The host-side implementation. Based on provided a clock information, generates a clock token stream which will be sunk by the FAME-1 hub model. This token stream does not depend on the runtime-behavior of the target, allowing this bridge run ahead of the rest of the simulation.

    Target and host time measurements provided by simif_t are facilitated with MMIO to this bridge

  24. case class ClockParameters(clocks: Seq[RationalClock]) extends Product with Serializable

    Parameters to construct a clock bridge from.

    Parameters to construct a clock bridge from. Aggregates information about all the output clocks.


    Clock information for each output clock.

  25. class ClockTokenVector extends Bundle with HasChannels with ClockBridgeConsts

    The host-land clock bridge interface.

    The host-land clock bridge interface. This consists of a single channel, carrying clock tokens. A clock token is a Vec[Bool], one element per clock, When a bit is set, that clock domain will fire in the simulator time step that consumes this clock token.

    NB: The target-time elapsed between tokens is not necessarily constant.

  26. case class CppBoolean(value: Boolean) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  27. case class CppStruct(name: String, fields: Seq[(String, CPPLiteral)]) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  28. class DecoupledCRIO[+T <: Data] extends DecoupledIO[T]
  29. case class DecoupledSinkEntry(node: DecoupledIO[UInt], name: String, substruct: Boolean) extends MCRMapEntry with Product with Serializable
  30. case class DecoupledSourceEntry(node: DecoupledIO[UInt], name: String, substruct: Boolean) extends MCRMapEntry with Product with Serializable
  31. case class EventMetadata(portName: String, label: String, description: String, width: Int, opType: PerfCounterOpType) extends AutoCounterConsts with Product with Serializable

    Captures target-side information about an annotated event

    Captures target-side information about an annotated event


    the name of the IF exposed to the bridge by the autocounter transform


    The user provided AutoCounterFirrtlAnnotation.label prepended with an instance path.


    A passthrough of AutoCounterFirrtlAnnotation.description


    The bitwidth of the event


    The type of accumulation operation to apply to event

  32. class FuzzingUIntSourceBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[HostPortIO[FuzzingUIntSourceTargetIO], FuzzingUIntSourceBridgeModule]
  33. class FuzzingUIntSourceBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[HostPortIO[FuzzingUIntSourceTargetIO]]
  34. case class FuzzingUIntSourceKey(width: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  35. class FuzzingUIntSourceTargetIO extends Bundle
  36. trait HasChannels extends AnyRef
  37. trait HasWidgets extends AnyRef
  38. trait HostDramHeaderConsts extends AnyRef

    A common trait for referring collateral in the generated header.

  39. class HostPortIO[+T <: Data] extends Record with HasChannels
  40. class IdentityModule[T <: Data] extends Module
  41. case class Int64(value: BigInt) extends IntLikeLiteral with Product with Serializable
  42. sealed trait IntLikeLiteral extends CPPLiteral
  43. class LoadMemIO extends WidgetIO
  44. class LoadMemWidget extends Widget
  45. class LoadMemWriteRequest extends NastiBundle
  46. class LoadMemWriter extends NastiModule
  47. class MCRFile extends NastiModule
  48. class MCRFileMap extends AnyRef

    Manages the metadata associated with a widget's configuration registers (exposed via the control bus).

    Manages the metadata associated with a widget's configuration registers (exposed via the control bus). Registers are incrementally allocated, which each register consuming a fixed number of bytes of the address space.

    This derives from a very early form of CSR handling in Rocket Chip which has since been replaced with diplomacy and its regmapper utilities.

  49. class MCRIO extends NastiBundle
  50. abstract class MCRMapEntry extends AnyRef
  51. case class MemorySlaveConstraints(address: Seq[AddressSet], supportsRead: TransferSizes, supportsWrite: TransferSizes) extends Product with Serializable

    Constrains the "virtual" memory region as seen by Bridge.

    Constrains the "virtual" memory region as seen by Bridge.


    AddressSets defining the addresses the bridge will access. These addresses may overlap with other bridges, Golden Gate will ensure isolation by using a base-and-bound scheme based on the range of the requested addresses. THe reqested addresses need not be contiguous and their union need not being at address 0. Currently non-contiguous regions will be allocated memory as though it were continguous.


    TransferSize specifying the range of read transaction sizes this bridge will produce


    TransferSize specifying the range of write transaction sizes this bridge will produce Example. Request 4GiB of host DRAM, with read and write transactions that range between 1 and 64B: MemorySlaveConstraints(AddressSet(0, 0x3FFF_FFFF), TransferSizes(1, 64), TransferSizes(1, 64)) Q: Perhaps the last two parameters should be removed, and the bridge should be forced to work the slaves it is given?

  52. class MultiQueue[T <: Data] extends Module

    An extension of queue that co locates a set of Queues at a single mem.

    An extension of queue that co locates a set of Queues at a single mem. Key assumptions: 1) A writer to a queue dumps a complete transaction into a single queue before it proceeds to enq to another queue. 2) A reader consumes the contents of a queue entirely before reading from another This way we require only a single set of read and write pointers

  53. class MultiQueueIO[T <: Data] extends QueueIO[T]
  54. class PeekPokeBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[PeekPokeTokenizedIO, PeekPokeBridgeModule]
  55. class PeekPokeBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[PeekPokeTokenizedIO]
  56. case class PeekPokeKey(peeks: Seq[SerializableField], pokes: Seq[SerializableField], maxChannelDecoupling: Int = 2) extends Product with Serializable
  57. class PeekPokeTargetIO extends Record
  58. class PeekPokeTokenizedIO extends Record with ChannelizedHostPortIO
  59. class PeekPokeWidgetIO extends WidgetIO
  60. case class Permissions(readable: Boolean, writeable: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  61. case class PipeBridgeChannel(name: String, clock: ReferenceTarget, sinks: Seq[ReferenceTarget], sources: Seq[ReferenceTarget], latency: Int) extends BridgeChannel with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor for a pipe channel ending at the bridge.

  62. case class PipeChannelMetadata(field: Data, clock: Clock, bridgeSunk: Boolean, latency: Int = 0) extends Product with Serializable

    A utility trait for translating chisel references into unidirected FCCAs This becomes more useful when there are channel types.

  63. class PlusArgsBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[PlusArgsBridgeHostIO, PlusArgsBridgeModule]

    The target-side of the PlusArg bridge.

  64. class PlusArgsBridgeHostIO extends Bundle with ChannelizedHostPortIO

    The host-side interface.

    The host-side interface. This bridge has single channel with the PlusArg value.

  65. class PlusArgsBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[PlusArgsBridgeHostIO]

    The host-side implementation.

    The host-side implementation. Calculates widths and bundles multiple 32 bit MMIO to the exact width of params.width. If params.width does not evenly divide by 32 a MMIO with the remainder bits will be created. The remainders name will always be outN where N is the last MMIO

    initDone is used as valid for the outChannel. The C++ driver ensures that all outN are driven before initDone is asserted

  66. case class PlusArgsBridgeParams(name: String, default: BigInt = 0, docstring: String = "", width: Int = 32) extends Product with Serializable

    Defines a PlusArgs interface.

    Defines a PlusArgs interface. The signature here was copied from rocket-chip/src/main/scala/util/PlusArg.scala


    string identifier, should include "name=%d"


    The value of the register if no matching PlusArg is provided


    The doctring


    The width of the register, in bits

  67. class PlusArgsBridgeTargetIO extends Bundle

    The target IO.

    The target IO. This drives the value (default, or overriden) that comes out of the PlusArgs bridge

  68. class PrintBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[HostPortIO[PrintRecordBag]] with StreamToHostCPU
  69. case class PrintBridgeParameters(resetPortName: String, printPorts: Seq[PrintPort]) extends Product with Serializable
  70. case class PrintPort(name: String, ports: Seq[(String, String)], format: String) extends Product with Serializable
  71. class PrintRecord extends Record
  72. class PrintRecordBag extends Record
  73. case class RationalClock(name: String, multiplier: Int, divisor: Int) extends Product with Serializable

    Defines a generated clock as a rational multiple of some reference clock.

    Defines a generated clock as a rational multiple of some reference clock. The generated clock has a frequency (multiplier / divisor) times that of reference.


    An identifier for the associated clock domain


    See class comment.


    See class comment.

  74. class RationalClockBridge extends BlackBox with ClockBridgeConsts

    The default target-side clock bridge.

    The default target-side clock bridge. Generates a vector of clocks rationally related to one another. At least one clock must have it's ratio set to one, this will be used as the base clock of the system. Global simulation times, for features that might span multiple clock domains like printf synthesis, are expressed in terms of this base clock.

  75. case class ReadyValidBridgeChannel(fwdName: String, revName: String, clock: ReferenceTarget, sinks: Seq[ReferenceTarget], sources: Seq[ReferenceTarget], valid: ReferenceTarget, ready: ReferenceTarget) extends BridgeChannel with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor for a Ready-Valid channel originating from a bridge.

  76. case class RegisterEntry(node: Data, name: String, permissions: Permissions, substruct: Boolean) extends MCRMapEntry with Product with Serializable
  77. class ResetPulseBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[ResetPulseBridgeHostIO, ResetPulseBridgeModule]
  78. class ResetPulseBridgeHostIO extends Bundle with ChannelizedHostPortIO

    The host-side interface.

    The host-side interface. This bridge has single channel with a bool payload. ChannelizedHostPortIO.OutputChannel associates the reset on the target side IF with a channel named reset on the host-side BridgeModule (determined by reflection, since we're extending Bundle).

  79. class ResetPulseBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[ResetPulseBridgeHostIO]
  80. case class ResetPulseBridgeParameters(activeHigh: Boolean = true, defaultPulseLength: Int = 50, maxPulseLength: Int = 1023) extends Product with Serializable

    The ResetPulseBridge drives a bool pulse from time zero for a runtime-configurable number of cycles.

    The ResetPulseBridge drives a bool pulse from time zero for a runtime-configurable number of cycles. These are its elaboration-time parameters.


    When true, reset is initially set at time 0.


    The number of cycles the reset is held at the time 0 value.


    The maximum runtime-configurable pulse length that the bridge will support.

  81. class ResetPulseBridgeTargetIO extends Bundle
  82. class SatUpDownCounter extends Module

    A saturating up down counter.

  83. class SatUpDownCounterIO extends Bundle
  84. class SimulationMaster extends Widget
  85. class SimulationMasterIO extends WidgetIO
  86. case class StdMap(typeName: String, fields: Seq[(String, CPPLiteral)]) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  87. case class StdVector(typeName: String, elems: Seq[CPPLiteral]) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  88. trait StreamFromHostCPU extends AnyRef

    Adds a stream interface that will be dequeued from by the BridgeModule.

  89. trait StreamToHostCPU extends AnyRef

    Adds a stream interface that will be enqueued to by the BridgeModule.

  90. class TerminationBridge extends BlackBox with Bridge[TerminationBridgeHostIO, TerminationBridgeModule]
  91. class TerminationBridgeHostIO extends Bundle with ChannelizedHostPortIO
  92. class TerminationBridgeModule extends BridgeModule[TerminationBridgeHostIO]
  93. case class TerminationBridgeParams(conditionInfo: Seq[TerminationCondition]) extends Product with Serializable

    A seq of termination conditions one for each concurrently running program

  94. class TerminationBridgeTargetIO extends Bundle
  95. case class TerminationCondition(isErr: Boolean, message: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Defines a condition under which the simulator should halt.

  96. case class UInt32(value: BigInt) extends IntLikeLiteral with Product with Serializable
  97. case class UInt64(value: BigInt) extends IntLikeLiteral with Product with Serializable
  98. trait UsesHostDRAM extends HostDramHeaderConsts

    A BridgeModule mixin indicating it wishes to be allocated FPGA DRAM.

  99. case class Verbatim(name: String) extends CPPLiteral with Product with Serializable
  100. abstract class Widget extends LazyModule
  101. class WidgetIO extends ParameterizedBundle
  102. abstract class WidgetImp extends LazyModuleImp
  103. class WidgetMMIO extends NastiIO with HasNastiParameters

Value Members

  1. object AXI4AddressTranslation
  2. object AXI4Printf
  3. object AXI4TieOff
  4. object BRAMQueue
  5. object BridgeStreamConstants

    Constants defined here apply to interfaces exposed directly to the bridges and thus users and bridge designers.

  6. object CRIO
  7. case object CtrlNastiKey extends Field[NastiParameters] with Product with Serializable
  8. object D2V
  9. object DecoupledCRIO
  10. object EventMetadata extends Serializable
  11. object FindScaledPeriodGCD

    Finds a virtual fast-clock whose period is the GCD of the periods of all requested clocks, and returns the period of each requested clock as an integer multiple of that high-frequency virtual clock.

  12. object FlattenData

    Takes an arbtirary Data type, and flattens it (akin to .flatten()).

    Takes an arbtirary Data type, and flattens it (akin to .flatten()). Returns a Seq of the leaf nodes with their absolute direction.

  13. object HostPort
  14. object IdentityModule
  15. object PeekPokeBridge
  16. object PeekPokeKey extends Serializable
  17. object PeekPokeTokenizedIO
  18. object PlusArgsBridge
  19. object Pulsify

    Takes a Bool and forces it to deassert after pulseLength cycles by using Chisel last-connect semantics, effectively "stretching" the pulse.

  20. object RationalClockBridge
  21. object ReadOnly extends Permissions
  22. object ReadWrite extends Permissions
  23. object SatUpDownCounter
  24. object ScanRegister

    An object that is useful for measuring the QoR of a module on FPGA CAD tools; achieves two goals 1) Registers all inputs/outputs to properly measure intra-module timing 2) Inserts a scan chain across the elements - this reduces the total module I/O, and prevents the FPGA CAD tools from optimizing I/O driven paths

  25. object SerializationUtils
  26. case object TargetClockInfo extends Field[Option[RationalClock]] with Product with Serializable
  27. object TerminationBridge
  28. object TerminationCondition extends Serializable

    Sugar for constructing instances of TerminationConditions

  29. object V2D
  30. object Widget
  31. object WidgetMMIO
  32. object WidgetRegion
  33. object WriteOnly extends Permissions
